*harap, diabaikan segala grammar mistakes dsb. harap dimaafkan.
Sometimes, constant pressures can shut our mouth up.
Sometimes, constant 'rigid' surrounding may blocked our mind.
Sometimes, living in a same 'closed community', may limited our moves.
Surroundings may affect us.
But, here is a point.
Outside pressures may give impact to your life. Yet, at the end, it is still you are the one who gonna decide, what decision you gonna took. Am I right?
You always have the pick, whether to let the surroundings 'control' you. Or you controlled your ownself.
Other than that, nothing to be worried about.
Do as what your heart tells you to do.
Don't let others, try to influence you into the bad path.
Caused again, the power is in your own hand.
" Maka Dia mengilhamkan kepadanya(jiwa) (jalan) kejahatan dan ketaqwaan.
Sungguh beruntung orang yang menyucikannya (jiwa itu),
Dan sungguh, rugi orang yang mengotorinya." (Qs. 91: 8-10)
You're a caliph. (refer Qs. 2: 30)
Always remember that.
That means, you will always have some works to be done, here, in this world, which full of lies.
Wake up!
Before you, you'll have been woke up, in the Hereafter.
Then, nothing can be changed anymore.
-truth seeker-
in the observation of Allah
*harap, diabaikan segala grammar mistakes dsb. harap dimaafkan.
Sometimes, constant pressures can shut our mouth up.
Sometimes, constant 'rigid' surrounding may blocked our mind.
Sometimes, living in a same 'closed community', may limited our moves.
Surroundings may affect us.
But, here is a point.
Outside pressures may give impact to your life. Yet, at the end, it is still you are the one who gonna decide, what decision you gonna took. Am I right?
You always have the pick, whether to let the surroundings 'control' you. Or you controlled your ownself.
" Sibghatallah. Wa man ahsanu minallahi sibghah. Wa nahnu lahu 'aabidun." (Qs. 2: 138)
Your life is always there for the taking.
Allah have given you full power to decide, what is the path that you're taking, what are the things that you do, what words that came out from your mouth.
You decide.
Others can't.
Just, the only thing that you must bear in mind, for all the things that you did, you are the one who will be responsible for it. No one else will.
Berani buat, berani tanggung.
For any wrong doings, you should ready to be blamed.
For any disobedience to Allah that you want to do, you must always be aware, that will also make yourself, qualified for His resurrection.
For Allah will never be unjust to us.
We are the one who unjust toward our ownself, by making all those sins.
Again. We have the freedom to do, anything as our wish. And at the same time, we will be responsible for it.
That is the only thing we must always bear in mind.
Other than that, nothing to be worried about.
Do as what your heart tells you to do.
Don't let others, try to influence you into the bad path.
Caused again, the power is in your own hand.
" Maka Dia mengilhamkan kepadanya(jiwa) (jalan) kejahatan dan ketaqwaan.
Sungguh beruntung orang yang menyucikannya (jiwa itu),
Dan sungguh, rugi orang yang mengotorinya." (Qs. 91: 8-10)
You're a caliph. (refer Qs. 2: 30)
Always remember that.
That means, you will always have some works to be done, here, in this world, which full of lies.
Wake up!
Before you, you'll have been woke up, in the Hereafter.
Then, nothing can be changed anymore.
-truth seeker-
in the observation of Allah
thanks for those words.
ur welcome :)
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